mr simple

美 [ˈmɪstər ˈsɪmpl]英 [ˈmɪstə(r) ˈsɪmpl]
  • 网络简单先生
mr simplemr simple
  1. Mr Simple : Or easy to use or understand .


  2. Such moments are startling and help Mr Fenton 's simple lyricism achieve a certain vivid gracefulness .


  3. There are various ways of doing this , but Mr Grantham 's simple model holds that over time , stocks rise by inflation plus 2 per cent .


  4. Mr Lamb had a simple idea : to expose America 's public life to the public eye .


  5. To that Mr Pollack has a simple answer , in the form of a question .


  6. To answer it , Mr Subramaniam constructs a simple measure of economic power , which consists of the size of economies , the scale of their trade and whether countries run current account surpluses or deficits .


  7. Mr Lacey conveys the simple , homely character of the current ruler , King Abdullah , relaxing on his farm with his horses or splashing with grandchildren in his swimming pool .
